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  experience awaits. 

Our Certified Coaches are highly trained to guide you to walk the ancient path of  soul inward sacred  journey of love.


No matter what aspect of life you wish to improve, each of our Academy Certified coaches are highly trained to guide you to discover your inner power and potential at a mind, body and soul level. Reviews from their clients globally testify to their ability to get you incomparable results. Our coaches use unique and potent holistic coaching techniques that support you to clear whatever barriers are in the way of you living a truly inspired and empowered life.


CONSCIOUSNESS COACHING™️ is a globally recognised soul-based modality that empowers you to  create an authentic soul-aligned life. This coaching method will support you to develop authentic self love and access your innate wisdom so you can turn your pain into power and fear into faith. Our Academy of Soul Certified Coaches can support you to integrate your shadow aspects and love yourself in your wholeness. You will be guided to upgrade your perceptions and clear imprints that are keeping you stuck. You will be supported to raise your vibration so you can be free to live your deepest truth. 


By being guided to enhance your inner world, you will experience a significant shift in your outer life that will leave you feeling connected, aligned and in charge of your life like never before. CONSCIOUSNESS COACHING™️ will impact your entire life in the most subtle yet profound way. The benefits are permanent and the experience will redefine the way you experience both yourself and the world around you. 

Our coaches undertake over 150hrs of in-person training and over 40hrs of professional coaching to qualify. Aside from this, they undertake a rigorous one year personal growth journey to equip them with the necessary personal and professional experience required to guide others authentically. They are not only highly skilled coaches, they are highly compassionate souls.



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